Page 12 - WCC Issues Papers WEB
P. 12

Town, Village and Rural Renewal and Regeneration
                  Counties which have a strong settlement structure, that is, a strong network of
                  spatially balanced towns and villages, are more robust and are less likely to fall
                  victim to population decline, denuded services and social isolation.

                  This is borne out in Wexford where population decline is evident in the
                  south-west and west of the county, locations which lack strong villages.

                  Our towns and villages play a vital role in our social and economic well being
                  providing business and community services such as shops, post offices, places
                  of worship and community centres.  They are also integral to community identity
                  and spirit.

                  Many of our towns and villages have suffered significant decline in the past
                  decade and both strategic and targeted measures will be needed to reinforce
                  settlement structure, reverse decline and stimulate growth. It may be necessary
                  to prioritise areas in accordance with the Settlement Hierarchy outlined above

                  and identify areas which are most in need of redevelopment.

                  The recently published ‘Action Plan for Rural Development’ aims to stimulate
                  rural development through a series of measures including:

                  •     The provision of social housing in rural areas;
                  •     Further strengthening the rural development aspects of the

                         National Planning Framework, including in relation to
                         enterprise development;
                  •     Using planning policy to utilise vacant properties and derelict sites
                         in rural areas, and small housing schemes in towns and villages;
                  •     A new Rural Resettlement Initiative;

                  •     Engaging with communities on water quality projects;
                  •     €12 million Town and Village Renewal Scheme;

                  •     €5 million CLÁR Programme for rural infrastructure;
                  •     €2.8 million built heritage investment schemes;

                  •     €1.3 million Heritage Council schemes; and
                  •     €7 million in support for rural recreation projects

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