Page 8 - WCC Issues Papers WEB
P. 8

Strategic Planning Context

                  The County Development Plan sits               Framework and the Regional
                  in a hierarchy of plans and takes its          Spatial and Economic Strategy are
                  guidance from those above it and               currently being prepared. Both of
                  influences those below it.                     these will set out strategic spatial
                                                                 planning frameworks which will

                  The new Plan is being prepared at              influence the settlement strategy,
                  a tentative time in the formulation of         population distribution and the
                  national and regional planning                 economic development of the
                  policy as both the National Planning           county.

                                             National Spatial Strategy

                            (to be replaced  by the National Planning Framework)

                          Regional Planning Guidelines for the South-East Region
                           2010-2022 (to be replaced by the Regional Spatial and
                                 Economic Strategy for the Southern Region)

                                       Wexford County Development Plan

                                                  Local Area Plans

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